16 August 2007

Don't feel well...

I left work early today. I woke up sluggish and not able to breathe out of my right nostril. I took Flonase and Tylenol and went to work. I did get a lot done, but really, it really wore me down. Around 3pm, after about 8 hours, I decided to leave. I know many of you are thinking, how is that early!!! I work at least 10 hours a day. So, I pushed through most of it, but now, I'm beat. I thought about coming home, putting on jammies and going to bed, but now that I am here, I don't feel sleepy. Just yucky...


1 comment:

Kaparoo said...

I'm guessing the early exit from work explains the end to the IM...
Hope you're feeling better now and are enjoying the weekend.