18 August 2007

a great Saturday

I went to my knitting group meeting today. Shockily, I was all alone. Maybe that wasn't a bad thing... All this yarn to myself! Do you think Jeff would let me bring it all home? Not a chance. I was in search of swap pal presents for box number 1. It's probably a little nuts that I take lots and lots of pictures, but I scrapbook, too. Outside of the fab store called "Have Ewe Any Wool?, there was a lot of painted turtles. It was so neat. Here is me sitting on one with Harry Potter on his arse. I couldn't resist.
Charming, I know!
But I wasn't alone on this trip. Jeff was with me. We did my meeting and then went to the Museum of Contempory Art. This is me on the bridge over the Chicago River. Yes, I'm holding the bar cause I'm scared of heights. We decided to walk there from the train stop. I should have warn sneakers, but I wasn't that smart. Along the way, we stopped to take pictures of neat things. Occasionally, I knitted in the picture for a contest I want to enter.
Here is me showing the Gargoyle how to knit 4, yarn forward and slip 3. I am not sure he got the idea.
I love this place. The gorilla is not into fiber arts. We just talked baseball. He loved my jacket, but I broke his heart when I told him I am a Reds fan. He probably won't be returning any of my calls now. lol
This is across from the Museum of Contemporary Art. It was amazing. Behind me is a tilted white car. It's not an accident. Just a exhibit. This is me standing in front of the exhibit. Knitting!!! People walking by did laugh at me, but then, they took pictures. Too bad for them that they didn't have any knitting to look this cool.

Tragically though, all that knitting and walking and stopping and posing ending up in a dropped stitch or SEVEN!!!! Luckily, they have emergency phones for this.

After the MCA, we headed home. We couldn't resist posing above the highway knitting!!!


Montreal Mama said...

Is that a Woven Trellis scarf you're knitting (the one that was on the Vogue Knitting Mag last winter??)

Anonymous said...

Did you go to the Have Ewe Any Wool grand opening sale? I did - didn't find much, but I am glad they are staying open.

It was nice meeting you today - look forward to seeing you at the next KIB!